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        1 - Methodology of Great Muslim Philosophers’ Encounter with the Translation Trend of the Abbassid Period
        Seyyed Mohammadali  Dibaji
        Researchers in the field of Islamic studies in the West have chosen the name of “Translation Movement” to refer to the trend of the translation of the books of different nations into Arabic during the Abbasid period. This trend, which continued for two centuries in diff More
        Researchers in the field of Islamic studies in the West have chosen the name of “Translation Movement” to refer to the trend of the translation of the books of different nations into Arabic during the Abbasid period. This trend, which continued for two centuries in different spontaneous or guided forms, received some reactions from the Islamic society. One of the important questions in this regard is what the attitude of the distinguished Muslim philosophers of that period, particularly al-Kindī, Fārābī and Ibn Sīnā, was to this movement. The present study indicates that, unlike the common response in the historiography of the translation trend, instead of a translation movement, during this time we are faced with a philosophical movement alongside a scientific one in the history of Islam. The philosophers mentioned above separated their judgments of three problems, namely, translation, translators and interpreters, and translated and interpreted works, from each other. Based on their own philosophical movement, which was in conformity with the principles of Islamic thought, they had three methodological, reformist, and critical reactions to this trend. They evaluated the translated works based on Islamic philosophical theorems and benefitted from them with some innovations in their own philosophical systems. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Analytical Study of traversal and cutting movement in the View of Ibn Sina and Mulla Sadra
        Ahmad Shakibaie Mansur  Imanpour
        Ibn Sina's and Mulla Sadra's use of traversal & cutting movement led to ambiguity in the movement existance. In this research, in order to eliminate this ambiguity, we have addressed the following: One, Ibn Sina's arguments for introducing two definite meanings of motio More
        Ibn Sina's and Mulla Sadra's use of traversal & cutting movement led to ambiguity in the movement existance. In this research, in order to eliminate this ambiguity, we have addressed the following: One, Ibn Sina's arguments for introducing two definite meanings of motion, which are the responses to the bugs inflicted on the existence of motion and the reason for the very nature of motion; His arrangements have been explained in that they are the separation of the first perfection from the second, as well as the separation of the connection from the movement. After answering the problems raised by Ibn Sina's point of view it is clear that Mulla Sadra has succeeded in completing Ibn Sina's method by bringing forward the discussion of the Transcendent Philosophy, but Mulla Sadra has not explicitly proved the existence of a definite existence by justifying it on the basis of the principiality of existence Manuscript profile
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        3 - ُُEditor's Note
        Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari
        از مداخل مهم تاريخ علم و فلسفه جهان، مدخلي موسوم به «نهضت ترجمه» در دو قلمرو عالم اسلام و غرب لاتيني است. تتبّعات و تحقيقات متعدّدي در چگونگي اين دو رخداد مهم علمي و فرهنگي صورت پذيرفته و اكنون به بركت اين تلاشها، داده‌هاي ارزشمندي دربارة آثار و منابع، مترجمان و چگونگي More
        از مداخل مهم تاريخ علم و فلسفه جهان، مدخلي موسوم به «نهضت ترجمه» در دو قلمرو عالم اسلام و غرب لاتيني است. تتبّعات و تحقيقات متعدّدي در چگونگي اين دو رخداد مهم علمي و فرهنگي صورت پذيرفته و اكنون به بركت اين تلاشها، داده‌هاي ارزشمندي دربارة آثار و منابع، مترجمان و چگونگي ترجمة آثار از زبان مبدأ به زبان مقصد در اختيار ماست. برابر گاهشماري موّرخانِ تاريخ علم، نهضت ترجمة نخست، حدّ فاصل قرن سوّم تا پنجم قمري در عالم اسلام و در مناطقي چون بغداد و مرو و نهضت ترجمة دوم، حد فاصل اواخر قرن يازدهم تا اواسط قرن سيزدهم ميلادي در مناطقي چون صَقليّه (سيسيل) و طليطليه (تولدو) در جنوب اروپاي آنروز پديد آمد. بي‌ترديد در باب مبادي و انگيزه‌هاي دو حوزة فرهنگي و تمدني عالم اسلام و غرب لاتيني در اقبال به ترجمة متون نيز ديدگاههاي مختلفي عرضه شده است، ليكن همچنان پرسشهاي مهمي در اين زمينه وجود دارد كه نيازمند تتبّع و تحقيق افزونتري است، مانند اين پرسشها كه: به غير از احساس نياز به فراگيري دانشها ـ بويژه دانشهاي كاربردي نظير رياضيات، نجوم و طبّ ـ چه انگيزه يا انگيزه‌هاي ديگري در اخذ و اقتباس اين علوم وجود داشته است؟ در اقبال و توجه به علوم عقلي نظير منطق و فلسفه و كلام چه زمينه‌هاي روحي و فرهنگي مؤثر بوده است؟ و مهمتر اينكه: در اخذ و اقتباس علوم، چه افزوده‌ها و تغييراتي به صورتهاي اوليه آن علوم ضميمه شده است؟ بنظر ميرسد مبادي تحرّك و نشاط علمي سده‌هاي نخستين قمري در عالم اسلام و نيز تأثيرات ناشي از حضور هشتصد ساله حاكمان مسلمان (711 ـ 1492م.) در شبه جزيره‌ ايبري در جنوب اسپانيا از جمله موضوعاتي است كه همچنان نيازمند بررسي و پژوهش بيشتري است، زيرا در مقايسه با شرايط و موقعيتهاي قبل و بعد از اين مقاطع تاريخي، تحولات چشمگيري صورت گرفته كه تنها برمبناي آگاهي از گاهشماري آن تحولات، نميتوان به عمق روابط و مناسبات فرهنگي و معنوي آن روزگار پي‌ برد. به اين مطلب بايد مطلب ديگري نيز افزود و آن اينكه بخش اعظم پژوهشهاي صورت گرفته در خصوص اين دو جريان علمي بدست پژوهشگران غربي انجام شده و حتي آن بخش از اين پژوهشها كه مربوط به نهضت ترجمه در عالم اسلام است نيز عمدتاً از جانب پژوهشهاي غرب به شرق سرازير شده است، اين در حالي است كه منابع و مدارك تاريخي براي پژوهشهاي گسترده در اين زمينه در اختيار پژوهشگران عالم اسلام قرار داشته و دارد، مانند انبوهي از تراجم و فهرستها و گزارشهاي تاريخي كه هرچند نيازمند مطالعه و بررسي انتقادي است، ليكن حجم قابل توجهي از داده‌ها را در اختيار پژوهشگران اين حوزه قرار ميدهد. اميد آنكه اين مهم با همّت و دقت نظر صاحبان قلم و پژوهشگران علاقمند به حوزة تاريخ علم و تمدن تحقق يافته و افق جديدي از تأثير ميراث علمي جهان اسلام را به روي نسل حاضر بگشايد. Manuscript profile
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        4 - Historical roots of the theory of substantial movement
        Mansour  Imanpour
        Undoubtedly, the interpretation of the reality of the natural world is considered one of the basic topics of metaphysics and has always been discussed since the beginning of philosophy and mysticism. Based on the theory of essential movement, Mulla Sadra considered the More
        Undoubtedly, the interpretation of the reality of the natural world is considered one of the basic topics of metaphysics and has always been discussed since the beginning of philosophy and mysticism. Based on the theory of essential movement, Mulla Sadra considered the whole world of nature to be equal to movement and becoming and believed that the whole world of nature moves towards the constant world. Now the question is whether this theory is a completely innovative theory or does it have a historical background? The answer of this article with a descriptive-analytical approach is that in ancient Greece, some philosophers believed in the movement of all creatures in the natural world. In the Islamic context, some philosophers believed in the movement in the realm of accidents and rejected the movement of substance with all kinds of disputes and arguments. Another group looked at the world from another point of view and considered the whole universe changeable with a mystical view and with the help of intuitive experiences. Mulla Sadra, using this background and prepared treasure, presented and revised the Essential movement in accordance with his existential philosophy, and by proving it and putting it as a basis for many philosophical issues, he made another plan and based on that, the existence in a macro view is divided into two the changeable and the constant parts. Manuscript profile