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        1 - A Study of Multiplicity of the Category of Substance in Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī
        Mahdi Dasht Bozorgi Mohammad Ismail Abdollahi Mohammad Karaminia
        Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī has sometimes provided two different views regarding a scientific problem, one following the method of the people of kalam and the other following the method of philosophers. At first sight, one might assume that Ṭūsī is making contradictory co More
        Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī has sometimes provided two different views regarding a scientific problem, one following the method of the people of kalam and the other following the method of philosophers. At first sight, one might assume that Ṭūsī is making contradictory comments; however, an analysis of his discussions reveal that such contradictions are only superficial and can be explained justifiably within the framework of his general system of philosophy. One of such contradictory cases pertains to the category of substance. In his works on logic, similar to Peripatetic philosophers, Ṭūsī considers substance to be a category or genus of genera; however, he deemed of substance as a secondary intelligible in his Tajrīd al-i‘tiqād. The present paper aims to clarify this view of the multiplicity of the category of substance. Then, in order to judge its legitimacy, the authors pose some possibilities and finally introduce one of the views which seems to be compatible with reality as their own standpoint. Through referring to Ṭūsī’s words and considering his social and academic position during his time, when philosophers were under huge attacks by mutikallimun, as well as given his moderate, truth-loving, and academic character, the authors demonstrate that this contradiction is superficial rather than real. Following the library method, this research was conducted based on a thorough study of Ṭūsī’s works. Nevertheless, the researchers also took the views of his commentators into consideration when necessary. Manuscript profile
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        2 - God’s Will in Ṭūsī, Mullā Ṣadrā, and ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī
        Armin Mansouri Ali Alahbedashti
        The howness of God’s Will is one of the problems that has provoked a lot of discussion in the field of theology. Although all philosophers have accepted God’s Will as a Divine Attribute, there are several disagreements in its interpretation. The purpose of this paper is More
        The howness of God’s Will is one of the problems that has provoked a lot of discussion in the field of theology. Although all philosophers have accepted God’s Will as a Divine Attribute, there are several disagreements in its interpretation. The purpose of this paper is to investigate, compare, and evaluate the views of Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī, Mullā Ṣadrā, and ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī in terms of the semantics, origin, and ontology of God’s Will. Ṭūsī maintains that will is the same as motive, which is the same as knowledge of the goodness of act, and thus believes in God’s essential will as an essential attribute. Mullā Ṣadrā also adds the sameness of love with will to the sameness of the knowledge of goodness of act with act and introduces will as an essential attribute. Moreover, he justifies the Infallible Imam’s narrations regarding the sameness of will with act by changing its meaning from having the intention to perform an act to the making and changing of its level from essence to the level of actual existents. However, ‘Allāmah Ṭabāṭabā’ī views the identity of free will with the knowledge of the best system as a verbal conflict and a merely different denomination. He disagrees with equating free will with any essential attribute (such as love) other than knowledge. Thus he maintains that free will is not an essential attribute but is, rather, abstracted from the level of act and is one of its attributes. He also introduces the essence of an act that occurs in the outside or the presence of perfect cause for the act as its source of abstraction. It seems that ٬Allāmah’s change of ontological view of free will and considering it an actual attribute in justifying rational constraints are more accurate than regarding it as an essential attribute without paying attention to the conceptual difference between free will and knowledge and love, which has been propounded by Ṭūsī and Mullā Ṣadrā. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s Cultural Role in Interacting with Hulagu Khān
        Seyyed Mohsen  Hosseini Einullah khademi Amirhosein Mansori Noori mohsen shams
        The present paper examines Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s cultural role in interacting with Hulagu Khān and the other elements involved in this cultural agreement. It also aims to explain how, through a correct perception of the cultural features and symbols of the Mong More
        The present paper examines Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī’s cultural role in interacting with Hulagu Khān and the other elements involved in this cultural agreement. It also aims to explain how, through a correct perception of the cultural features and symbols of the Mongol ethnic group, Ṭūsī managed to overcome them in a cultural battle. At the same time, he exploited the Mongols’ interest in astronomy, which was a part of their culture, and strengthen the Imāmīyyah kalām regarding its epistemological dimension and the status of Shi‘ism in the political structure of Hulagu Khān’s government. The presence of Khwājah Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī meant that Imāmīyyah Kalām had now a representative in the political structure of the time after many centuries, and even some Mongols became interested in Islam. With the downfall of the caliphate of Baghdad, whether Ṭūsī played a role there or not, one of the supporters of Ash‘arī kalām disappeared, and Imāmīyyah groups were revived. Manuscript profile
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        4 - The Role of Religious Beliefs of Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī in his Association with and Dissociation from the Ismā‘īlīs
        Seyyed Mohsen  Hosseini Einullah  Khademi Hoorieh Shojaee Baghini Mohammad Vahid Samimi
        A collection of factors underlay Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī’s association with and dissociation from the Ismā‘īlī sect. This paper aims to disclose the role of his religious beliefs in his interactions with this religious sect. Ṭūsī’s education was completed in an atmosp More
        A collection of factors underlay Khwajah Naṣīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī’s association with and dissociation from the Ismā‘īlī sect. This paper aims to disclose the role of his religious beliefs in his interactions with this religious sect. Ṭūsī’s education was completed in an atmosphere of Twelver Shi‘ite philosophy, but in his youth he was also disenchanted with the existing imitative beliefs and dogmatic emphasis on extrinsic features of Sharī‘ah. This led him to develop an interest in some Ismā‘īlī teachings such as their attention to the esoteric meaning of religious texts and join this sect in response to their invitation. Of course, the undesirable conditions in the political-religious geography of the east of the Islamic world had also limited Ṭūsī’s choices. Nevertheless, based on some historical reports of the time of his relationship with the Ismā‘īlīs and some of his works that had been written in conformity with Ismā‘īlī ideas, it can be said that he had some ideological disagreements with them after joining the sect. His reaction after his separation from the Ismā‘īlīs, whom he has introduced as atheists and non-Muslims in his Kalāmī books, demonstrate his ideological conflicts with this sect. In fact, Ṭūsī joined the Ismā‘īlīs in his youth because of his religious ideas and, later, separated from them for the same reason. He revealed his ideological opposition to them in his Kalāmī written works. Manuscript profile
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        5 - Editor's Note
        Hossein Kalbasi Ashtari
        در تاريخ سرزمين ما، ايران، ادوار و مقاطعي هست كه هنوز زوايا و ابعاد مهمي از آنها همچنان در تاريكي و ابهام باقي مانده و آگاهي و دانش ما دربارة آنها ناچيز است؛ ازجمله دورة موسوم به حمله و اشغال مغولان (ح654ـ 616 ق) كه برغم انجام تتبعات و پژوهشهاي گوناگون اجتماعي، سياسي، ا More
        در تاريخ سرزمين ما، ايران، ادوار و مقاطعي هست كه هنوز زوايا و ابعاد مهمي از آنها همچنان در تاريكي و ابهام باقي مانده و آگاهي و دانش ما دربارة آنها ناچيز است؛ ازجمله دورة موسوم به حمله و اشغال مغولان (ح654ـ 616 ق) كه برغم انجام تتبعات و پژوهشهاي گوناگون اجتماعي، سياسي، ادبي و فرهنگي، دست‌كم بلحاظ مختصات علمي اين دوره ـ شامل شيوه‌هاي آموزش، وضعيت مدارس، چگونگي نگارش آثار علمي و ادبي، كتابخانه‌ها و حتي فهرست جامعي از عالمان و دانشمندان ـ آگاهي ما نسبت به آن اندك است. از جهت داده‌هاي مربوط به «تاريخ فلسفه» ـ ‌و در معناي عام آن، علوم عقلي ـ از نقش كساني چون خواجه‌نصيرالدين طوسي (672ـ 597 ق) گزارشها و نوشته‌هاي بسياري به زبانهاي مختلف در دست است، ليكن همچنان ناگفته‌هاي بسياري در اين زمينه وجود دارد كه نيازمند تتبّع و پژوهش گسترده‌تري است. اهميت خواجه نصير و نقش او در حفظ ميراث علمي ايران و اسلام (تأسيس رصدخانه و كتابخانه مراغه، تجميع آثار علمي از نقاط مختلف، دعوت از عالمان و دانشمندان در زمينه‌هاي مختلف علمي، نگارش آثاري جاويدان در فلسفه و رياضي و كلام و هيئت و ...) تنها بخشي از خدمات علمي اين چهره بزرگ تاريخ ماست؛ ابتكار و نوآوريهاي او در دانشهاي عصر ـ بويژه فلسفه و كلام ـ آنهم در زمانه وحشت و ناامني ناشي از حملة مغول، نيازمند بازخواني و معرفي جديد است. توجه كنيم! رام كردن و انقياد قومي كه از دانش و فرهنگ و زندگي شهري و آداب تمدني دور بودند، در دشتها و بروي پشت اسبها پرورش يافته و از هجوم و غارت و آتش زدن خانه و كاشانه مردمان لذت ميبردند، كار آساني نبود؛ آنهم براي دانشمندي كه ميبايست از سويي در قلاع اسماعيلي دست به نگارش اخلاق ناصری زده و برخي ماجراجوييها و رفتارهاي افراطي سران اسماعيلي را مهار كند و از سويي ديگر، در دربار هلاكوخان مغول، ضمن تمشيت و تدبير امور، به اصلاح و آباداني و انتشار علوم اهتمام ورزد و در كنار همة اين امور، امنيت نفوس و ذخاير مادي و معنوي دارالاسلام را تأمين كند. هركدام از اينها بتنهايي برگي درخشان در كارنامة حيات علمي، سياسي و اجتماعي يك چهرة ماندگار بحساب مي‌آيد. خدمات خواجه در حوزة علوم عقلي دست‌كم از دو جهت چشمگير و بلكه يگانه و بيهمتاست: 1. آنگونه كه در تراجم آمده است، خواجه در عنفوان جواني، فلسفه را در نيشابور با آثار شيخ‌الرئيس فرا گرفت و تا بدانجا پيش رفت كه يكي از معروفترين شروح و تعليقات را بر اشارات و تنبيهات ابن‌سينا نگاشت كه اكنون با گذشت پيش از هفت قرن از زمان نگارش آن، همچنان بعنوان يكي از منابع و مآخذ مهم علوم عقلي و حكمت سينوي بشمار ميرود. شرح و تعليقه خواجه نوشته‌يي همعرض ساير تعليقات نيست، از اين جهت كه از يكسو مشكلات و غوامض متن فشردة شيخ‌الرئيس را باز ميكند و از سويي ديگر حملات و نقدهاي گزنده فخر رازي، بنمايندگي از گروه كثيري از متكلمان متصلّب و عقل‌‌ستيز را پاسخ ميدهد؛ آنهم در زمانه‌يي كه چراغ حكمت و فلسفه كم‌فروغ يا حتي بيفروغ بود و دفاع از عقل و علوم عقلي به قيمت جان آدمي تمام ميشد! اهتمام خواجه به علوم عقلي محدود و منحصر به شرح اشارات نيست؛ در ساير نوشته‌هاي علمي او نيز روش استدلالي و برهاني غلبه يافته و گويي وي خود را مكلّف به تجديد حيات فلسفه و روش عقلي در زمانه غربت آن ميدانسته است. 2. اگرچه دربارة مذهب كلامي خواجه ـ آنهم با عنايت به ارتباط وي با اسماعيليان‌ ـ اظهار نظرهاي مختلفي شده است، ليكن آنچه مسلّم است، نگارش اثري مانند تجريد الاعتقاد از يكسو و پرورش دانشمندان و عالمان بزرگي چون علامه حلّي و ابن‌ميثم بحراني (شارح نهج‌البلاغه) از سويي ديگر نميتواند در تعيين سمت و سوي اعتقادي خواجه بي‌اثر باشد؛ گذشته از آن شيوة نگارش و پردازش آراء و عقايد كلامي اماميه در تجريد الاعتقاد و دفاع كم‌نظير خواجه از عقايد مذهب حقّه بروش برهاني و استدلالي، جاي هيچگونه ترديدي در تشخيص تعلق خاطر نويسنده باقي نميگذارد. از اينرو بجرئت ميتوان گفت خواجه قهرماني بيبديل و احياگر سنت فلسفي و حكمي عالم اسلام در قرن هفتم و آموزگاري بزرگ در انتقال آموزه‌هاي اعتقادي شيعه اثني عشري است. اين معنا در حكم كلياتي است براي پژوهشهاي تفصيلي در تاريخ علوم و دانشهاي ايران و عالم اسلام كه اميد است پژوهشگران جوان با همت خود افقها و داده‌هاي جديدي را در اين زمينه عرضه بدارند. Manuscript profile
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        6 - A Study of the Historical Development of the Notion of Platonic-Aristotelean Agape and Love in Fārābī and Ṭūsī (In the Realm of Human Relationships)
        Fereshteh Abolhassani Niaraki
        The present study provides a description and analysis of the historical development of the notion of Aristotelean-Platonic agape (love) in the philosophical thoughts of Fārābī and Khwājah Nasīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī. Following a historical method, the author deals with the reason More
        The present study provides a description and analysis of the historical development of the notion of Aristotelean-Platonic agape (love) in the philosophical thoughts of Fārābī and Khwājah Nasīr al-Dīn Ṭūsī. Following a historical method, the author deals with the reasons behind this development in addition to describing it. The discussion of friendship (agape) in Aristotle’s philosophy is propounded in his Nichomachean Ethics, where some traces of Platonic notion are also observable. This discussion was transformed in Islamic Philosophy in certain respects, including the variety of the beloved (and the most beloved), individualistic or socialist aspect, and selfishness or selflessness aspect. Regarding the variety of the beloved, the discussion has moved from virtue-based friendship (agape) to the love of the Wise (God). As to its range, one can observe a change of dialog form social-political friendship to agape as an internal characteristic with individual and social effects. Moreover, it has moved beyond selfishness and selflessness and, in conformity with the principle of congruence, reached the love from Him (Godly). The influential views of such thinkers as Plotinus; the role of religion, culture, and gnosis, and the ideas of Ibn Sīnā, Ibn Miskawayh, and Suhrawardī are of great importance in explaining this development. The particular philosophical and Kalāmī principles of Fārābī and Ṭūsī as well as some of their ethical views are the most important factors in the interpretation of the underlying reasons of the mentioned development. Manuscript profile