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    • List of Articles Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh

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        1 - The Philosophical-Historical Development of the Equivalents of Aristotle’s Hyle
        Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh Seyyed Ebrahim  Musavi Malek Hosseini
        In this paper, the authors examine and discuss the different equivalents of the Aristotelean term of hyle in Latin, Arabic, and Persianin terms of their etymological and conceptual features. Moreover, they try to reveal the relationship between this concept and the conc More
        In this paper, the authors examine and discuss the different equivalents of the Aristotelean term of hyle in Latin, Arabic, and Persianin terms of their etymological and conceptual features. Moreover, they try to reveal the relationship between this concept and the concept of mother and female gender in Old Persian. It seems that the early translators of Greek philosophy, because of the conceptual relationships between hyle and mother in the writings of Plato and Aristotle, chose some equivalents for hyle which derived from the meanings of mother and female gender. This is particularly important because the concept of philosophical matter which is rooted in Aristotle’s philosophy and is commonly used today, especially in empirical sciences, is rooted in the concepts of mother and female gender in terms of its historical and philosophical background. This has prompted the early translators of Greek philosophy who were looking for near equivalents for the Greek hyle to consider this relationship and create terms which could transfer the meaning of this word correctly. However, this does not mean that in Aristotle’s philosophy, similar to some mythological beliefs, hyle indicates that the world is the offspring of the intimacy of male and female elements. Rather, it means that among ancient Greeks, including Aristotle and Plato, the female gender has been introduced as the receptacle of form in the birth of human beings and animals. Manuscript profile
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        2 - Challenges of Aristotelian Matter and Potency in Muslim Philosophers’ Discussions
        Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh Seyyed Ebrahim  Musavi Malek Hosseini
        In the modern period, contemporary researchers of Aristotle’s philosophy have paid greater attention to the concept of prime matter, which is surrounded by a number of challenging discussions. In this paper, the authors have compared the two concepts of matter and poten More
        In the modern period, contemporary researchers of Aristotle’s philosophy have paid greater attention to the concept of prime matter, which is surrounded by a number of challenging discussions. In this paper, the authors have compared the two concepts of matter and potency, which are very close to each other, in Aristotle’s philosophy. Researchers have generally ignored the duality and separation of these two concepts from each other, while attending to their differences makes the explanation of the challenging issues in relation to Aristotelian prime matter much easier. One of such distinctions is the hypokeimenon or substratum nature of Aristotelian matter which prevents its confusion with the concept of potency due to its independence. In Aristotle’s writings, the terms hyle and dunamis (matter and potential) have always been used alongside each other, which has made it difficult to distinguish them from each other. However, it must be taken into consideration that this distinction plays a fundamental role in understanding prime matter and the related challenging problems, such as the quality of the combination of matter and form and the identity of new substance. Some philosophers, such as Ibn Sīnā, have paid attention to the various features of matter and differentiated them from each other. Among contemporary philosophers, Murtaḍa Muṭahharī has also posed some discussions in this regard, which are emphasized in this paper. An analysis of such views demonstrates that prime matter cannot be merely the same as absolute potency; rather, it is also a loci for receiving form. Hence, based on Aristotelian principles, the survival of prime matter is necessary. Manuscript profile
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        3 - Zoroastrian Wisdom and the Magi Religion in Ancient Greek and Roman Sources
        Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh
        The impact of Zoroastrian religion and worldview on Greek philosophy, ancient philosophers, and generally on history of philosophy as a fundamental topic regarding the historical development of philosophy has always been of interest to researchers. Ancient thinkers have More
        The impact of Zoroastrian religion and worldview on Greek philosophy, ancient philosophers, and generally on history of philosophy as a fundamental topic regarding the historical development of philosophy has always been of interest to researchers. Ancient thinkers have always spoken of Zoroastrian wisdom and philosophy and connected them to the Magi religion. The present paper examines Zoroastrian philosophy and its origin in the Magi religion based on ancient Greek and Roman sources. Based on such sources, the founder of this school of philosophy is a Zoroastrian who is much older than Zoroaster, the author of Avesta, who lived in the time of Goštāsp. Therefore, if we wish to study Zoroastrian wisdom and philosophy from the viewpoint of ancient Greek and Roman thinkers, we must seek its roots in the Magi religion; a religion that is apparently one of the oldest philosophical schools of ancient times and first appeared in Iran. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        4 - Aeons in Christian Gnosticism (Based of Saint Irenaeus’ Reports)
        Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh
        Aeons are among fundamental concepts in Christian gnosticism. On the one hand, they are rooted in the myths of ancient Greek gods and, on the other hand, they originate in Platonic philosophy and school and are integrated with the elements of Christianity and the Holy B More
        Aeons are among fundamental concepts in Christian gnosticism. On the one hand, they are rooted in the myths of ancient Greek gods and, on the other hand, they originate in Platonic philosophy and school and are integrated with the elements of Christianity and the Holy Book. Therefore, a conceptual and technical explanation of Aeons is important and plays a significant role in understanding the origins of early philosophical schools and ideas. Gnosticism and its founders, such as Valentinus, precede Plotinus, the founder of Neo-Platonism; hence, a clarification of gnostic concepts and, particularly, an analysis of the emanation of existents are of great importance in this school. Moreover, the etymology of dualism in gnosticism speaks of its original and fundamental relationship with Zoroastrian wisdom and the magi’s religion in ancient Iran. Therefore, a study of this point can reveal the integration of philosophical elements in ancient Iran and ancient Greece and the New and Old Testaments. Accordingly, this paper is intended to explain the concept of Aeons and the reasons of their emergence in Christian gnosticism based on Saint Erenaus’ reports and through investigating their roots in the technical philosophical terms in ancient Greece and the New and Old Testaments. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        5 - The Relationship Between Sophia and Ṣūfī in Ancient Texts and Sources Based on Bīrūnī’s Narrative
        Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh
        This paper concerns the narrative by Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī, the prominent scientist of the world of Islam, of the unity between Sophia and Ṣūfī as an introduction to the discussion of the truth of wisdom and philosophy in ancient texts. Most modern researchers do not see More
        This paper concerns the narrative by Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī, the prominent scientist of the world of Islam, of the unity between Sophia and Ṣūfī as an introduction to the discussion of the truth of wisdom and philosophy in ancient texts. Most modern researchers do not see any relationship between Ṣūfī and the Greek Sophia and believe that Ṣūfī is lexically related to such words as wool and woolen garments. In fact, they deny the relationship of Greek philosophy and Sophia with Sufism and Ṣūfī. Here, the author has tried to explore the origin of philosophy and wisdom of ancient Greece based on ancient sources in order to view Greek Sophia from another perspective. This study mainly begins with the relationship between Greek Sophia and Ṣūfī based on al-Bīrūnī’s narrative; however, its main purpose is to speak of the truth of philosophy and wisdom and their origin based on ancient texts. Such sources establish a specific connection between the distinguished philosopher of various ethnic groups in Iran, Greece, and India, as well as between gnostics and Ṣūfīs. Abū Rayḥān al-Bīrūnī’s words concerning the relationship between Sophia and Ṣūfī provide a number of solid proofs in this regard in ancient texts and sources. The root of the unity of Greek Sophia and Ṣūfī in the Islamic world goes beyond the history of post-Islam Sufism. It should be, in fact, sought in the historical development of wisdom originating in the philosophical thoughts of ancient Greece, Iran, and India, the views and beliefs of Harranian, the Magi, Zoroastrians, and Sabians, and their relationship with the divine prophets. Manuscript profile
      • Open Access Article

        6 - The Relationship between Daemon in Ancient Greek and Div in Zoroastrian Wisdom and Jinn in Islamic Philosophy
        Hojjatullah  Askarizadeh
        There are some shared truths regarding daemon in ancient Greek, div in Zoroastrian wisdom, and jinn in Islamic theology. Although daemon is in some cases distinguished from theos in Greek philosophy, it is usually confused with other divine existents, thus creating the More
        There are some shared truths regarding daemon in ancient Greek, div in Zoroastrian wisdom, and jinn in Islamic theology. Although daemon is in some cases distinguished from theos in Greek philosophy, it is usually confused with other divine existents, thus creating the challenge of how ancient Greek gods gradually turned into div and Satan during the Christian period and after that. In the same vein, there is not only a distinction but also total contrast and opposition between Divine gods and divs in Zoroastrian wisdom. The former is divine and good while the latter is evil and satanic. There is also an existent called “jinn” in Islamic worldview and teachings that is neither angel-like nor of an absolute evil nature. On the one hand, it is close to the world of immateriality and angels and can perform supernatural and superhuman acts; on the other hand, it is the origin of evil and wicked affairs in several cases, thus deserving the name of Satan. However, it is possible to explain the challenges related to ancient Greek daemons more accurately based on Muslim philosophers’ approach in classifying spiritual and immaterial existents and the distinctions that they make among angels, good jinns, and evils. This endeavor plays an important role in understanding the roots of the ideas held in ancient schools of philosophy, particularly in ancient Greece, so that one can clarify the role of daemons in ancient Greece more effectively. Manuscript profile